How to Customize Forest Culture Wildflower Kits


This post is a guide on how to mix paint colors that come with our Wildflower Paint by number kits. We still have a few available here if you’d like to get one!

Customizing your wildflower kit is totally optional. Like all of our paint by number kits, our wildflower designs can be completed by following the instructions that come included in the kit. We know that some of you like to get creative and add your own details though, and that’s why we designed our wildflowers collection so that it’s extra easy to mix new colors from the paints in your kit and get creative!

Our Wildflower Kit Collection

Our Wildflower Kit Collection

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Here are the color combinations you can get when you mix the colors in each kit. Click each photo if you want to see a larger one!

If you have all three kits in the collection, you can make these 28 NEW COLORS by combining the eight that you have!

There are only eight colors between the three kits, and since the order and numbers for each kit are different, I re-numbered the colors for this chart. To learn which colors correspond with the kit(s) you have, see the key to the right of the photo. The colors for each are listed in the same order as the paints that you have, and the number matches the color on the chart below.

Kit No. 1
6 - dark green
2 - warm yellow
8 - deep maroon
3 - muted pink

Kit No. 2
6 - dark green
1 - warm white
4 - muted orange
8 - deep maroon

Kit No. 3
6 - dark green
5 - light green
4 - muted orange
7 - light purple



1 - USE A PALETTE TO MIX YOUR NEW COLORS - Don’t mix new colors in the original paint cups. If you preserve your original colors you can keep using them to mix new different shades, and if your mixture doesn’t turn out like you wanted it to, you can easily try again with a new combination.

If you don’t have a palette, you can use something like a plastic lid from your recycling bin to mix your paints, or even a piece of cardboard will work in a pinch. 

If you’d rather purchase a palette, here are some suggestions:

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2 - USE YOUR ORIGINAL COLORS AS AN ‘ERASER’ IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE or if you don’t like one of the new details that you have added. If you want to return to the original look, just paint over the new accent that you want to get rid of.

3 - YOU ONLY NEED TO MIX A LITTLE AT A TIME. To mix paints, dip your brush into the first color you want to mix and get as much paint as you can on the brush bristles (not on the metal part), and then put the paint onto your palate. After doing this 2 or 3 times, clean your brush and then repeat the process with the second color, putting it next to the first color on your palate. Then use your brush to mix the two colors together.

4 - PLAY AROUND WITH YOUR MIX RATIOS! All of the color combinations in the photos above were mixed using an even 50/50 mix of each color, so if you want to get even more new shades you can play around with the ratio to make endless new combinations!


Here are some ideas to get you started!

Kit 2 Example-03.jpg
Kit 3 Example-04.jpg

I hope this has given you some good ideas for mixing colors and adding some fun new details to your wildflower kits. If you customize your kit tag us on Instagram @forestculturedesign so we can see it!

I also recorded an Instagram Live video that walks you through this process. You can watch it here if you’d like!

Happy Painting!