My Favorite Art Supplies for Daily Creative Practice


I often get questions about the art supplies I use, so I’m starting a new series of posts with links to some of my favorite and most often used supplies! This first one is focused on the materials that I use for my daily creative practice. I think it’s really important to have a collection of supplies that you love to use and have at easy access for capturing your ideas on a daily basis. It’s good to experiment and learn what mediums and materials work best for you, but if it helps to get started, here are my favorites. Scroll down for links to everything!

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Let’s start with sketchbooks! I love mixed media and ‘sketch’ style books. Even though the paper is thinner than watercolor paper, I find that it works perfectly for my sketching and experimenting purposes. I also like to get sizes that are small enough to throw into a bag that I’m carrying so I can work on my sketches whenever I have a few moments of free time or if something inspires a new idea while I’m out of the house.

Find the one pictured above here: Amazon, Blick Find a similar one here: Jackson’s (UK)


A pencil is pretty important right? I prefer to use mechanical pencils. I like to have a fine point for drawing and they save me from having to carry around a sharpener or spend time sharpening.

Here are links to my favorite size for very fine sketching, 0.3: Amazon, Blick, Jackson’s (UK)


Since my favorite pencils don’t have an attached eraser, it’s always good to have a few around. I’ve linked three types, some are great for fine erasing and some are best for erasing larger areas.

Tombow Mono Zero: Amazon, Blick, Jackson’s (UK)
Faber Castell Eraser Pencil: Amazon, Blick, Jackson’s (UK)
Staedtler Mars Plastic: Amazon, Blick, Jackson’s (UK)


Black illustration pens are another staple for my daily creative practice. Sometimes I sketch in pencil first and then go over the lines I’m sure about in ink, but sometimes I just draw in ink with no pencil involved. I like to live on the edge sometimes.

These are sets that each contain 6 different sizes. It’s great to play around with all of them and see which line weights you like best for your drawings. Amazon, Blick, Jackson’s (UK)


A white pen is a really fun way to take your drawings to the next level. I love making drawings in white ink on kraft paper or other colored papers. White ink is also great for adding accents or designs on top of watercolor painting or areas that are colored in black ink. 

Here’s the same pen pictured above: Amazon, Blick, and here’s a similar one from Jackson’s (UK)


I also keep a small acrylic ruler with my drawing supplies. It’s really useful if I want to start a design with some straight lines, or if I need to make some quick measurements to draw an even shape.

Here’s the exact one I have at Amazon and Blick


My favorite way to add quick color to a drawing is with watercolor. I also enjoy painting freely with watercolors in my sketchbook without having drawn the design in pencil or ink first. I’m recommending a few sets I like. You don’t need lots of colors to get started, it’s good to start with a few and learn how to mix colors, then you can always upgrade to a larger set later or buy some individual colors or your choosing.

I often use one of these Winsor and Newton sets when traveling, they are an excellent brand. Available at Amazon, Blick, and Jackson’s (UK).

Schmincke, my favorite brand, but it’s quite a bit more expensive. I always find the best prices at Jackson’s from the UK, but it’s available from Amazon, Blick, and Jackson’s.


Though I have a large collection of paint brushes, there are definitely a few favorites that I use almost every day. I’m including links to brushes that I get the most questions about. (Some are not exactly what I use but similar, most of my brushes are about 15 years old.)

20/0 Liner Brush available at Blick
Size 1 Round Brush from Blick
Size 4 Round Brush from Blick

Here’s a set from Jackson’s, and another at Amazon.


Washi tape is amazing. It sticks well but can also be removed from almost anything without causing damage. I love using this tape for taping lines when I’m making artwork but also for taping drawings or inspiration into my sketchbook. 

Here’s the exact kind I use from Amazon.

I hope this list of some of my favorite tried and true supplies is helpful for you! What would be on your list of favorite supplies? Comment and let me know!